2015년 11월 16일 월요일

陳奕迅 Eason Chan - 無條件 Unconditional (lyric+pinyin+english translation)

陳奕迅 - Mo Tiu Gin (Unconditional) [無條件]

你 何以始終不說話
nei hoh yi chi jung bat suet wa
you, why still haven't spoken a word

chung goon gong chut bat faai ba
say all the things that upset you

si yue kei paan yau lok cha
when things differ to what you expected

ching bat bit ging pa
please don't be scared

我 仍然會冷靜聆聽
ngoh ying yin wooi laang jing jing ting
I will still be calmly listening

ying yin gan sau yue san bin
I will stay next to you

yue nei jun tui ya gung ming
move with you with resonance

si yat wooi maan yin joi maan yin
time will extend and extend

mau se bat hoh goi bin dik goi bin
something that never be able to change will change

yue yat se bat yiu faat yin dik faat yin
and those that shouldn't be discovered will be discovered

jau je moh fong daai liu kuet dim
so the negative side will be enlarged

來讓我問誰可決定 那些東西叫作完美至善
loi yeung ngoh man sui hoh kuet ding na se dung sai giu jok yuen mei ji sin
let me ask who is the one that could determine what is called perfect

我只懂得 愛你在每天
ngoh ji dung dak oi nei joi mooi tin
all I know is to love you every day

dong chiu lau oi san sin 
when the trend is to love the new things

dong pong yan oi biu chim
when people around love to label others

幸得伴著你我 是窩心的自然
hang dak boon jeuk nei ngoh si woh sam dik ji yin
lucky that accompanying you and me is the touching normality

dong haan yin joi jim suen 
when words get more nasty

kap ta do gei doh dim
let him get more jealous

因世上的至愛 是不計較條件
yan sai seung dik ji oi si bat gai gaau tiu gin
because the true love in this world is unconditional

sui yau hoh ching choh hon gin
who could see this clearly

美 難免總有些缺憾
mei naan min jung yau se kuet ham
beauty is hard not to have any shortcoming

yeuk gwoh bat gam sam hui man
if you are not willing to ask

man do jui mei giu noi sam
when you got to the end

ya jeung chut lit han
a crack will grow in your heart

笑 何妨與你又重溫
siu hoh fong yue nei yau chung wan
laugh, why not revisit them with you

ying yin ngoh suet ngoh hing hang
I still say that I am lucky

nei wing yuen sing gwoh bit yan
as you are always better than others

kei doi mei moot yuen oi moot yuen
looking forward to unlimited beauty and love

fong hoi bat bit da suen dik da suen
let go of those plan of unnecessary plan

jok yat se hoh yi yeuk ding dik yeuk ding
make some promise that can be made

jau po gan yi hau mooi yat tin
and get hold of every day in the future

kei sat nei ding yin do faat yin
really, you must realize it

ngoh yau han doh mei daat yuen mei si ching
I got many things that are not prefect

我只懂得 再努力每天
ngoh ji dung dak joi no lik mooi tin
all I know is to work hard every day

dong chiu lau oi san sin
when the trend is to love the new things

dong pong yan oi biu chim
when people around love to label others

幸得伴著你我 是窩心的自然
hang dak boon jeuk nei ngoh si woh sam dik ji yin
lucky that accompanying you and me is the touching normality

dong haan yin joi jim suen
when words get more nasty

kap ta do gei doh dim
let him get more jealous

因世上的至愛 是不計較條件
yan sai seung dik ji oi si bat gai gaau tiu gin
because the true love in this world is unconditional

sui yau hoh ching choh hon gin
who could see this clearly

for more lyrics, http://blog.naver.com/gn02123