陳奕迅 - Foo Gwa (Bitter Gourd) [苦瓜]
gung nei gon booi joi gui jue
the monent we clink our glasses
dat yin gaan seung hon goon yi
we exchange looks and smile
poon jung tau jeuk na mei yi
relishing the flavor of the plate
daai koi gam sang yau se si
perhaps things are
si tai jo do bat hoh yi
meant to be difficult
ming baak kei miu chue
until the right moment comes
jau jeung nei dong yat tung sam ta wooi juet yat faan mei yi
just like that day when she turned you down
jam faat yin nei chung ching gip yik nang hok dung hoi gaai yue foon sue
not until then did you realize how to forget and to forgive
ya jeung ngoh han dau git dik gung si
what I used to call trouble at work
chi jai wooi tau hon
now that I look back
yuen loi bing moot yau si
that's not even a thing
jan seung bat do dong choh ngoh moon ya to yim hek foo gwa
how we used not to appreciate bitter melon
gam tin ging hek dak chut na yui ji yuet loi yuet gei gwa
now it tastes more and more like wisdom
hoi chi si ngaai yat se foo
live on with the ordeal of bitterness
choi jung juet chue dik fa
scatter seeds in the extreme
hang dak gaan san dik yan lo tim mat bat ji taai gwa
bitterness and sweetness complement each other
ching chun dik faai chaan ji yiu kau faai bat lei na yat ga
whatever you wanted when you were young, you wanted it quick
na yau woon mei dik hung dong loi yan seung sai ji daam nga
who bothered to appreciate delicacy and simplicity
do daai ng daai chit jeung foo yin dik sing wa
later I came to appreciate the patience to swallow
dang siu fa hok chai cha
to digest, and to infuse a tea
至共你觉得苦也 不太差
ji gung nei gok dak foo ya bat taai cha
after all bitterness is not that bad when it's shared
ha boon sang ging joi hoi hok
I am having a new start of my life
入迷的终於醒觉 移走最後的死角
yap mai dik jung yue sing gok yi jau jui hau dik sei gok
I realized it was not the end of the world
yung tung foo hung tok foon lok
embrace the moments of bitterness followed by happiness
yeung yue gam jeung hin him ngok
goodness after evilness
yue ngai taan git jok
like masterpieces of art
jau jeung ngoh yat jik ting heung yiu chung mei jim sap ngaan gok
I used to be indifferent listening to oldies, not shedding a tear
ji sai dei hon san taan lui muk man sam moh jing haau ya bat gok
unenthusiastic to the details of the wood carved altar
却在某萧瑟晚秋深夜 忽尔明瞭了
keuk joi mau siu sat maan chau sam ye fat yi ming liu liu
yet everything became clear in that night of solitude late in autumn
yi wong yip bin sui lok
when the golden leaves had fallen
jan seung bat do dong choh ngoh moon ya to yim hek foo gwa
how we used to stay away from bitter melon
gam tin ging hek dak chut na yui ji yuet loi yuet gei gwa
now it tastes more and more like wisdom
hoi chi si ngaai yat se foo
live on with the ordeal of bitterness
choi jung juet chue dik fa
scatter seeds in the extreme
hang dak gaan san dik yan lo tim mat bat ji taai gwa
bitterness and sweetness complement each other
ching chun dik faai chaan ji yiu kau faai bat lei na yat ga
whatever you wanted when you were young, you wanted it quick
na yau woon mei dik hung dong loi yan seung sai ji daam nga
who bothered to appreciate delicacy and simplicity
do daai ng daai chit jeung foo yin dik sing wa
later I came to appreciate the patience to swallow
dang siu fa hok chai cha
to digest, and to infuse a tea
至共你觉得苦也 不太差
ji gung nei gok dak foo ya bat taai cha
after all bitterness is not that bad when it's shared
jo yan moot yau foo gip hoh yi ma
can we live a life without bitterness?
jan seung bat do dong choh ngoh moon ya to yim hek foo gwa
how we used to stay away from bitter melon
dong tai ching sai gaan soh yau ding lei yau hoh yung joi pa
but what is to be avoided from once you comprehend how things work
珍惜淡定的心境 苦过後更加清
jan sik daam ding dik sam ging foo gwoh hau gang ga ching
tranquility prevails as bitterness fades
万般过去亦无味但有 领会留下
maan boon gwoh hui yik mo mei daan yau ling wooi lau ha
thousand flavours are gone but essence of experience stays
gam tin sin gei dak ting gwoh yan suet je giu boon sang gwa
I recall some call it 'half-mature gourd'
na yi mei jeuk ta dik mei nin hing bat wooi dung chaat ma
doesn't it symbolize the immaturity and the ignorance in the younger days?
do daai ng daai chit jeung yat chai do sing wa
everything clears out in golden hour
je yat miu joh yung maan ha
under the red dusk
我共你觉得苦也 不太差
ngoh gung nei gok dak foo ya bat taai cha
bitterness does not seem that bad when it's shared with you
for more lyrics, http://blog.naver.com/gn02123